


    Your Creative Mentor…


    Fusce sodales ullamcorper felis. In hac habitasse platea disit. Maecenas iaculis sodales diam, eget laoreet nunc placerat ut. Aenean et dapibus ipsum, sed porta velit. Nulla facilisis, auris eu lacinia bibendum, tortor massa eleifend ipsum, a curs nibh nunc et arcu. Vivamus erat odio, lacinia id lectus a, tristiqcinia risus. Integer a vestibulum ligula. Vestibulum placerat variuse lit Pellentesque faucibus nisl ut urna ultrices, sed hendrerit tus sodales.

    Fusce sit amet est sit amet urna volutpat fermentum. Aliquam eu nisi lobortis, adipiscing risus quis, auctor. auris eu lacinia bibendum, tortor massa eleifend ipsum, a curs nibh nunc et arcu. Vivamus erat odio, lacinia id lectus a, tristiqcinia risus. Integer a vestibulum ligula. Vestibulum placerat variuse lit Pellentesque faucibus nisl ut urna ultrices, sed hendrerit tus sodales.


    Artist. is Creative Styled WORDPRESS Theme.

    Nulla molestie laoreet suscipit. Integer eget cursus quam. Maecenas sit amet pulvinar risus. Vivamus et sagittis odio. Aliquam vel arcu ac eros elementum lobortis
    Author, Student

    Nitya, a student at Dougherty valley High School, who strives to bring attention to complex issues shaping her generation through education, art, and debate.

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    Author, Student at UC Davis

    Naveli Garg, an undergraduate student at UC Davis, is an interdisciplinary thinker with a strong passion for healthcare. She is pursuing her passion for psychology, women's studies, and dance to deepen our understanding of the human brain and behaviors. She was the recipient of the 2019 Women Empowerment Award in the Bay Area and an active contributor to the community. 

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    Author, VP Products at Oracle

    Manisha is a people-oriented product leader. She is the Vice President of Products at Oracle. Before joining Oracle, she led global roles at LinkedIn, eBay, and early-stage startups. Manisha holds an MBA from Wharton, an MS in Computer Science, and several patents. She is a frequent public speaker, hiker, author, and mother who works to strengthen family ties and grow companies with awareness, accountability, trust, and technology.

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    Just Bloging

    This book may be read as one about psychology, family, team, leadership, or individual growth.  According to Johns Hopkins Medical Research, an estimated 26% of...
    Our success and much of the fun lie in creating rituals that make us feel wholesome. We may find happiness differently, but we are all happier when we feel...

    Clients Say's

    • Stephanie Dale

    • consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non libero magna. Sed et quam lacus. Fusce condimentum eleifend enim a feugiat. Pellentesque viverra vehicula sem ut volutpat. Integer sed arcu massa. 

      Jill Moonie

    • consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non libero magna. Sed et quam lacus. Fusce condimentum eleifend enim a feugiat. Pellentesque viverra vehicula sem ut volutpat. Integer sed arcu massa. 

      Sandy Norris


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